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Case studies

Here we'll highlight some of the initiatives we work on with centres across the country to bring horses and humans together for mutual benefit.

Together Fund

Launched in August 2022, the Together Fund supported by Sport England was designed to help centres still struggling to recover to pre-pandemic levels so that they can grow and enhance participation and inclusivity within priority groups.

Enborne Equestrian Centre with Sport in Mind


A unique collaboration between Sport England’s Together Fund through British Equestrian, mental health charity Sport in Mind and Enborne Equestrian Centre in Berkshire, has provided opportunities to help those struggling with mental health through the power of horses.




North Ferriby RDA 


East Yorkshire’s North Ferriby Riding for the Disabled Centre have put their award from British Equestrian’s Together Fund to excellent use for a project designed to engage young people and their families who have been struggling after covid, and with some amazing results.

North Ferriby Case study



Strength and Learning Through Horses

Equine assisted therapy centre Strength and Learning Through Horses (SLTH), has been running an initiative to help more young people and families access equestrianism in London thanks to a Together Fund award of £5000 from British Equestrian and Sport England. SLTH has been working to teach young people about horse care, training and psychology, as well as achieving qualifications in these areas throughout their Together Fund sessions. The participants also learn valuable teamwork skills to improve their quality of life and employability in the future.

SLTH case study


Together fund impact report

This report details outcomes and learnings from the Together Fund projects, collected via surveys and individual and project case studies. It highlights the influence of equestrian related activities on participants’ mental and physical wellbeing, the impact for centres and charities who carried out the projects, and how this might shape future engagement in equestrianism. 

Together Fund Impact Report


Holiday Activities and Food programme

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme, introduced by the government, provides funding for local councils to distribute to centres to provide activity days for children in receipt of free school meals.

With many equestrian centres joining the project, each child that takes part is provided the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, meeting a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity per day, including- horse riding, horse management and other games, as well as creative activities.

Kingsleigh's Equine Education Centre

Kingsleigh's Equine Education Centre, in partnership with Worcester Riding School have been running the HAF programme since summer 2021. The centre is an out of classroom education provider using the horses and ponies with education and therapeutic intervention. The centre has been running the HAF programme throughout the Christmas, Easter, and summer holidays to provide a space for children in and around the city of Worcester to have fun and be supplied with a nutritional meal each day. With 21 spaces available on the camp, the centre supports children with special educational needs and disability (SEND) as well as working with children from Ukraine.

read kingsleighs case study


Summerfield Stables


Summerfield Stables has been helping many young people and children get active by running the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme at their centre. The funding has been set up by the government to distribute to centres who are working to help children get active and eat well over their break from education.


read summerfield case study