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Para showjumping offers competitive jumping opportunties for riders with disabilities. We're very proud to work in conjunction with British Showjumping and Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) to create a rider pathway for all para jumpers.
British Showjumping run the Para Jumping League (graded competitions) with venues and shows across the country. The league allows registered para riders to compete within specific graded jumping categories, with heights ranging between 60cm-90cm.
In addition to the graded Para League, a National Para League, where both para and able-bodied riders compete together, draws through national points gained through British Showjumping Bronze (85cm-1.10m) and Silver (1.10m-1.30m) Leagues as another way of recognising para jumping riders.
Riders’ profiles are classified in the same way as for para dressage, but the grades in showjumping that these relate to are different from para dressage.
If you have a disability and want to try para jumping, you can also get started with the Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) at one of their 500+ groups within the UK. There are also over 50 riding centres with Accessibility Mark accreditation. Each accredited centre will have been through training with experienced RDA coaches to ensure they're suitable and meet the high standards required by the RDA. Once centres have gained the Accessibility Mark status, they're offered continuous support from the RDA to ensure they provide an experience that aims to be hugely beneficial for all levels of riders. You can find your local RDA group or Accessibility Mark centre by going to the Find a Riding Centre tool.