Employers are an essential part of the viability of equestrian sport, and are integral to the development and future of the equestrian industry.
There are a huge number of equestrian employers who run a variety of different yards from all sectors. These vary from private yards employing one member of staff, to large professional yards who employ large teams.
Employers have a duty of care to their employees, the horses and also, where applicable, their clients. Running a business can be challenging, but extremely rewarding, especially if you are able to combine your love of the sport with running a business.
There is a range of employer resources and guidance available through our Member Bodies and other organisations including:
Support for Employers
Association of British Riding Schools, Livery Yards and Equestrian Centres (ABRS+) 
As an ABRS+ member employers benefit from:
- A dedicated member area on the ABRS+ website which holds information on legal requirements, safeguarding policies, health and safety templates and much more.
- A wide range of free professional development seminars and workshops that will help you to run your business efficiently and effectively.
- Access to a wide range of member resources, including guides, codes of practice, information on staff management, and much more.
- Access to specialist and/or legal advice covering employment, health and safety and more.
- Full membership to the Equestrian Employers Association to support all of your employment, HR, health and safety and business needs as well as a free legal helpline.
- Partnered with Lingfield Equine Distance Learning to offer an affordable Certificated Equine CPD course for ABRS+ grooms and staff .
- The Equestrian Coaching Certificate pathway endorsed by UK Coaching and provided by 1st4Sport Certified in Equestrian Coaching Certificate pathway .
- Apprenticeship schemes and a Safeguarding course .
Become An ABRS+ Approved Riding Establishment
The British Horse Society (BHS)
As a BHS Approved Centre employers benefit from:
- A full HR suite of legal documents to ensure correct employment plus a legal helpline to support Centres 24/7.
- Free CPD for Approved Centres through virtual coffee mornings on a range of topics including recruitment and CPD for junior staff.
- Career Transition fund which funds training for BHS qualifications to upskill staff, this is open to all (candidate just needs to be a BHS member). More information here.
- Ability to advertise on the BHS website for job vacancies
- BHS are working with RMF to offer level 1 learners positions within BHS Approved Centres
Become BHS approved
Equestrian Employers Association (EEA)
The EEA is the professional association for any equestrian that employs staff. Membership includes a free legal helpline, dedicated and bespoke HR and business portal with countless pages of advice, templates, case studies and the following online tools:
- Contract Creator
- Staff Handbook Creator
- Risk Assessment Creator
- Health and Safety Handbook Creator
- Interview Creator
- Business Hub
- Guide to the national minimum wage
- EEA Pension and Payroll

- EEA Code of Good Employment
- Jobs Board
- And much more!
Join the Equestrian Employers Association
Pony Club

As a Pony Club Linked Riding Centre employers benefit from:
- Access to CPD courses, safeguarding courses and The Pony Club Coaching Certificate to help you develop and upskill your coaches.
Become a Pony Club linked Riding centre
British Equestrian Coach Bursary Scheme

The BEF coach bursary scheme is intended to support staff and volunteers at riding centres to take the first step in their coaching career or further develop their existing coaching skills, but who might be held back by the cost of gaining qualifications.
The bursary scheme has been developed in response to some of the challenges highlighted in British Equestrian’s Health of Riding Centres survey which showed that many riding centres in the UK are struggling to meet the demand for participation, with one of the key barriers to increasing capacity being a shortage of qualified staff and volunteers. Further information for the next round of applications will be shared via our news pages shortly.
Bursary scheme guidance