Updated 17 May 2021
Wales moved countrywide to alert level 2 on 17 May which brings about further relaxation of COVID restrictions. On this page, we've tried to compile some of the key stakeholder questions to help you understand what the current situation means for you and your horse.
Yes, you may travel to visit your horse for welfare reasons under any lockdown restrictions.
Horses may be ridden for exercise and travelled (no restricitons) for exericse, training and competition, using indoor and outdoor faciliies. Maximum numbers are 30 indoors and 50 outdoors.
Training venues are permitted to hire outdoor facilities and host competitions, provided that meeting numbers (up to 50) and social distancing requirements are adhered to. Indoor sports facilities are able to reopen with a maximum of 30 participants.
You may meet outdoors and indoors in a public setting with up to five other people from a total of six households, including your own. However, children under the age of 11 don't count towards this total. Outdoor sporting/organised activity can take place in groups of up to 50 adults and indoors for groups of up to 30.
Farriers, vets, dentists, physiotherapists and other equine practitioners can continue to operate, provided that they have COVID protocols and risk assessments in place to maintain safe working conditions.
Coaches are permitted to travel for sessions with clients – these must be within the limit of 50 outdoors, 30 indoors. Clients may travel and hire outdoor and indoor facilities at a training venue as part of their coaching session. Coaches should also check with their insurance provider before undertaking any activities.
You should contact your licencing authority/insurance provider for further guidance.
Competitions started on 26 April, with indoor use permittted from 2 May. Numbers should be adhered to at any time during the course of the competition day (30 inddors, 50 outdoors).
Sport Wales, the governing body for sport in Wales, has produced sector-specific COVID-19 guidance, which is available here.