
FEI Stakeholder meeting sets unified vision for the future of dressage

Thursday, 03 October 2024

At the highly anticipated FEI Dressage Stakeholder meeting, which was held in person at the FEI Headquarters in Lausanne (SUI) on 1 October, experts and representatives from across the sport have reaffirmed the core objectives of Dressage and discussed ways of realigning the discipline to reflect these objectives.

The aim is that through balanced and systematic education, horses are trained and ridden to be calm, supple, flexible, confident, and responsive, fostering a deep and positive connection with the rider. The group agreed that these core objectives should be integrated in the FEI Rule book and applied in practice, both while training and competing.

This approach emphasises key qualities such as the freedom and regularity of movement, the ease and lightness of transitions, and the horse’s balance.

A crucial aspect is that dressage is practised without tension or resistance, ensuring harmony between the horse and rider.

Participants acknowledged the impact of breeding on the evolution of the sport and explored the relationship between judging, training, and riding. They also emphasised the importance of examining the sport holistically by introducing principles of behavioural science and the five domains of animal welfare, focusing on the horse's positive physical and mental well-being.

“The Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games showcased the best our sport has to offer in competition, but also brought to light challenges that have prompted us to reflect and reassess in the post-Games period,” FEI Secretary General Sabrina Ibáñez said.

“To many, this vision of what Dressage should embody may seem self-evident. But as highlighted during the meeting, over the years the discipline has moved away from its traditional purpose and this realisation requires a necessary realignment to the foundational principles of Dressage.”

FEI Dressage Director Ronan Murphy said, “Establishing a unified vision is the essential first step in fostering a shared purpose. With this foundation in place, we can now focus on restoring public trust and confidence in the sport.

“Our goal is to be aligned and move forward in the same direction. We have clearly defined what we want to see as a sport and the next step is for all parties to assess how we can adapt our practices and approaches to ensure these standards are met. This effort is not the responsibility of any one group; it is a collective mission for the entire Dressage community and we look forward to engaging with the wider community especially our National Federations.”

Key points that were addressed during the meeting:

  • Action Points and Next Steps: One of the key proposals put forward is mandatory trainer registration, and potential certification aimed at ensuring accountability and standardisation within the discipline. The group also committed to defining ethical training methods, with an emphasis on increasing transparency and showcasing good practices. Additionally, participants identified the need for a more comprehensive communications plan to better inform and engage with the broader public and stakeholders.
  • Rules Revision: Stakeholders expressed support for a thoughtful approach to revising the rules, favouring a comprehensive, strategic evaluation based on available research. This will ensure that all changes are sustainable and beneficial to the sport in the long term.
  • Equine Welfare: Participants supported the FEI Equine Welfare Strategy and various actions identified as part of the overall FEI Action Plan.
  • Collaboration and Collective Responsibility: The discussions emphasised the importance of collective responsibility and collaboration within the Dressage community. Participants welcomed the opportunity for ongoing and regular dialogue, and expressed their willingness to take part in working groups on key topics.

Updates will be provided during the session on the FEI’s Equine Welfare Strategy at the FEI General Assembly on 12 November. There will be further opportunities for discussion at the FEI Sports Forum in April 2025.